Eczema Face Cream: What You Need To Know
EIf you or your child has been suffering from eczema on your face, you’re not alone! Facial eczema is an uncomfortable condition that affects people of all age ranges, backgrounds, and medical histories.
Currently, most eczema face treatments include harsh chemical baths or the usage of detergents that dry out the skin. As a parent, if you’re trying to help your child or baby through eczema on their face, consistently applying these ingredients can be concerning.
Recently, parents and children have developed new, natural ways to reduce eczema symptoms and improve quality of life, like eczema face creams. We’re going to be talking about a few of those approaches in this article.
Let’s get started!

How is the Skin on the Face Different From the Body?
The skin on your face differs substantially from the rest of your body. For one, it’s significantly more sensitive – this is due to the face having more sensory receptors per square inch than other regions of the body. This increased sensitivity means in turn that the sensations of eczema are more pronounced.
Facial skin also contains a higher number of oil glands than other parts of our body, contributing to oil imbalances that can later increase the odds of dry, eczema-prone skin. Skin on the face is also thinner and contains less hair, allowing eczema to develop more easily (especially in areas with lots of folds like around the nose or mouth, where bacteria build up quickly).
The Best Treatment: Targeted Eczema Face Creams
There are several treatments available for treating eczema on the face. We, of course, prefer natural therapeutics over harsh chemicals or additives, but not every treatment is going to be right for you.
Our recommended best way to treat facial eczema is by keeping your skin moisturized. This is part therapy, part lifestyle change, but all-in-all, improving the water content of your face is key.
For example, when you bathe, either air dry or lightly pat yourself with a towel. Avoid scratching or pressing hard, since those exacerbate dryness and subsequently the severity of your eczema symptoms. A light scratch may not feel like much while your skin is still supple after a shower or bath, but several hours later when your skin begins drying out, you’ll wish you hadn’t.
If your area is known for low humidity or high heat, it may be worthwhile to invest in a humidifier. Some people also consider relocating (although this depends on your willingness and your material circumstances).
Once your lifestyle is in order, you can begin practical treatment through the use of targeted eczema face creams. Our natural eczema creams like the Skin Relief Kit increase moisture retention and soothe dryness. These creams are specialty-made from premium organic ingredients that don’t harm delicate skin — they’re a quick, gentle, and effective way to reduce the symptoms of inflammation.
It’s essential to discuss any eczema treatment plans with a doctor, as the symptoms of eczema can be similar to other diseases (like ringworm). Let them know your medical background as well as your proposed therapy before you begin any treatment regimen.
Final Thoughts on Eczema Face Cream
Having eczema requires patience, support, and effective treatment options. Even with your best efforts, your or your child’s eczema may flare-up from time to time – in some cases, this is inevitable and the most important thing to do is to keep strong psychologically.
The best relief for facial eczema depends on your age, medical history, and needs. Decreasing eczema symptoms is half lifestyle, half treatment program – try to improve the moisture of your skin as much as possible, and use natural remedies like My Mia’s Skin Relief Kit to help soothe and relieve your eczema symptoms.