Gladiator Sandals
Gladiator sandals have set a new trend as far as summer wear is concerned and they are the hottest shoes online. These shoes have a long story of origin, and it’s not surprising that they made their way back and into the hearts of many women who appreciate nice footwear when they see it. Gladiator shoes go way back into the Roman ages, where soldiers used to wear them to protect their legs in times of battle. Of course, the purpose of these sandals right now is a purely cosmetic one, and their popularity has tremendously grown.
These gladiator sandals come in different designs and are made using different materials to appeal to the different markets there are. There are open toed sandals, T-strapped sandals, flat and heeled designs studded ones and so on. The studs are mostly made of metal, with there being variations in the way the design is incorporated. Leather gladiator sandals are highly common because of their simple designs and the fact that leather is known to be long lasting.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5914981